Terms and Conditions



All online donations by credit card receive an automated email receipt as well as a financial receipt from EWAY. If you have donated by Direct Debit then once we have received your payment in our account a receipt will be processed and sent via email to you. If you have donated by cheque then a receipt will be posted or emailed within two weeks.

Trademark – Meals on Wheels

® Meals on Wheels, MoW, Meals on Wheels NSW, MoWNSW, any trade mark which consists of the words “MEALS ON WHEELS” and/or “MOW” the words and the associated brand logos are registered trademarks owned by the Licensor Meals on Wheels Australia, and licensed to the state body Meals on Wheels SA Inc., for classes 29, 35, 39, 43.

Your Security

Narrabri Meals on Wheels NSW does not store any credit card numbers and utilises a secure encrypted connection.

We utilise a secure payment gateway, operating on 128bit SSL encryption. This ensures high level protection of your personal and financial details as well as order particulars which are all encrypted as they are sent to and from your computer.

Order information including your name and address are only stored on our server for us to facilitate any customer service enquiries and deliveries.

Refunds Policy

Meals on Wheels does not provide refunds unless a payment has been made in error.

Material on this site is protected by copyright.

The copyright owner is Meals on Wheels NSW. All text, copy, photographs and graphics are copyright © Meals on Wheels NSW.


You may not make alterations or additions to the material on this site, sell it, or misappropriate it. Meals on Wheels NSW permits and encourages reproduction provided it is accurate and acknowledged.