Client changes due to COVID-19
To ensure the health and safety of both our clients and our volunteers during the current corona virus outbreak, we are temporarily changing our daily meal delivery method.
We are asking clients to put a small chair or table outside their door that meals can be placed on by our volunteers. If this is not possible our next option is for clients to have a plate or tray ready to take their meal at their door.
For those clients who are not mobile at all volunteers will still enter and place meal on table/benchtop but may wear masks and/or ask you to step back while they enter if masks are not available.
When delivering to you, meals on wheels volunteers will continue to knock and call out “meals on wheels” to let you know they are here with your meal. They will then place your meal on the chair/table and step back to make sure you can get out and get your meal.
The volunteers will check that you are okay and you are asked to let them know if you are running low on any necessities eg toilet paper, food items etc so we can arrange someone to assist you.
If you need assistance to place a chair/table outside your door please contact the meals on wheels office on 67924835 or let volunteers know so they can pass the message on.
We apologise for any inconvenience but to reduce risks of spreading the virus these steps must be taken at this time.

Volunteer changes due to COVID-19
To ensure the health and safety of both our clients and our volunteers during the current corona virus outbreak, we are temporarily changing our daily meal delivery method.
Please read the documents below to stay informed about new rules and procedures.